
Mahjong related links collection

  • To give players the opportunity to quickly find out news about the development of R Mahjong and Mahjong AI, telegram channels of R Mahjong app have been launched:

    Telegram channels R Mahjong

    Telegram channels R Mahjong

  • When creating the R Mahjong application support site, some attention was paid to creating demo materials that demonstrate mahjong application work. Particular attention was paid to gif animation. A large number of such materials are available on

    Riichi Mahjong Animation

  • In the process of creating the R Mahjong app, a lot of graphic materials were created. Many of them have not yet been used in the R Mahjong app itself and on this website. In particular, on the website I posted images showing all the available yaku in mahjong. My profile on behance

    Mahjong Yaku Images

  • There is a discussion on about the R Mahjong application. The advantage of a mahjong application with a strong mahjong AI is considered. A system for collecting and analyzing game statistics is considered. The main point of discussion is how the R Mahjong app will allow you to become stronger at Mahjong.

    Riichi Mahjong app with strong AI

How to paste a link

This site is currently seeking reciprocal links. Basically, it is limited to mahjong related sites. If you are interested, please paste the link below on your site or blog and contact us here1.

[Title] R Mahjong - Free 4-player mahjong with powerful mahjong AI


1 This applies to sites not in Japanese. For Japanese language sites, see the Japanese version of this page